A glance at the website of Wajax will explain the scope of their services. The company was founded in 1858, and is one of Canada’s longest standing and most diversified industrial products and services providers. The images are of enormous construction machines - but it’s all about the people in the business, says Justin Warren of Wajax, guest on this week's Account Experience Podcast.
Justin, who is Senior Vice President at Wajax, is responsible for the company's industrial parts and engineered repair services business. Over the last three years he led the team developing the Voice of Customer program. He talked to hosts Adam Dorrell and Cary Self about how they set up the program - and some of its successes.
The Net Promoter based program was all about measuring in its first year, and as it evolved in year two they created action plans for more than 100 locations. Wajax added “monetization” to the program to understand the drivers of satisfaction with a dollar amount attached. And they now have a clear sense of how promoters drive twice the value of detractors - which makes it an easy rule of thumb for all the staff to get behind. Justin explained how the program is driven from the top and how it motivates success. They have 100% follow up rate, truly impressive. The speed of adoption is admirable for a company 150 years young!
A classic B2B account experience case study - highly recommended for a business with multiple locations and wanting to adopt a customer focus.
#b2b #b2b2c #industrials #canada #monetized